
Petrology, Economic Geology and Tectonics Research & Analysis - The Hard Rock Group

Oxford's PETRA-HRG studies the structural and metamorphic geology of the Earth’s crust and its mineral resources. We address problems in tectonics and the origin of ore deposits through the application of mineralogy, petrology, structural geology, geochemistry and age determination.

Our main threads include: Tectonics and metamorphism of the Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet region; the Oman Ophiolite and its associated metamorphic rocks; subduction zone metamorphism; metallogeny of gold deposits; the tectonic setting of granite-related mineral resources in SE Asia; migmatites and melting in the crust; metamorphic processes in thermal aureoles [see Projects].

Ongoing Projects

Advertised DPhil Projects

Projects advertised by the member of Petra-HRG are listed below. All DPhil projects from the Department of Earth Sciences are available here